As you all know by now, Miss Carnie will soon be leaving BP Farms Bed & Breakfast for another home where she can learn some manners. Because of this, there is now an open space in my hen house! After talking with Michael, we decided it was time for me to try my hand at incubating/hatching eggs. So I set out to build a specialized pouch that I can wear around my midsection to keep the eggs warm...just kidding! I purchased a Brinsea Mini Incubator and found a place locally that sells Lavender Orpington hatching eggs!!! I'm super excited for this! I'm so happy that you all can join me on this journey from Day 1, through hatching all the way through to the laying of the first eggs! Now this is of course if the eggs do in fact hatch! I want to thank The Bradley Farm which is located in Tacoma, WA for the hatching eggs! And I hope that you enjoy this journey!
**Note**I will be counting the days down from 22, and each day I will add to the top of this page. So if this is your first time on this page, scroll down to the bottom to start with "Day 22"
~Day 40 - 9/24/2013~
Today the sun came out for a little bit!!! So, happily, the chicks went outside into the run! :) I spent most of the day working on the new coop! :) Fun times! I hope to have it finished tomorrow, and outside on Thursday! And the chicks will spend their first night in the new coop on Thursday! :) Hope you enjoy today's pictures!!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 39 - 9/23/2013~
Today I cleaned out the chicks' brooder box, man was it getting stinky...and I fired up ChickTV for the first time in AGES! It's funny to see the picture I used to use of them...compared to how big they've gotten! :) I spent most of the day in the garage working on the new coop part of my chicken coop/run. :) So I spent a fair bit of time listening to the chickens chirp at me! I can tell they are ready to be outside more! :) Enjoy today's pictures!!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 38 - 9/22/2013~
Last night was the first night the chicks spent without the heat lamp. It stays about 65 degrees in our garage...and let me tell you...they were NOT impressed! LOL. Every time I walked into the garage they would sound off like they were yelling at me for not turning on the lamp! :) But hey...tough love, right? I didn't spend much time with them today, because I was busy designing my new coop :). I'm going to make some changes to my coop...not the run...just the house part. :) But that's another post! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 37 - 9/21/2013~
The chicks were able to spend some more time outside today, and they even got to spend some time on the grass. :) What a great day for them! I took their mug shots outside today as well. And let me tell you...they are NOT happy about having to take those photos anymore! LOL. Long gone are the days when they were cute little fluff balls that would stand in one place on my work bench! :) Enjoy today's mug shots!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
Chynna wondering what Brownie wants! LOL |
~Day 36 - 9/20/2013~
The chicks were outside from about 11 AM until almost 6 tonight! I'm so happy that they are getting to the point where they are able to tolerate the lower temps! :) I'm trying to get them used to it before next week when they are tossed out into the cold, cruel world! :) But they are all snuggled in nice and cozy in their brooder box for now! :) Enjoy today's mug shots!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 35 - 9/19/2013~
Another gorgeous and sunny day today! Which means that the chicks spent several hours outside again!! YAY! I'm loving that they are going to be going outside soon! (And I did find a temporary home for the 3 that will be leaving next week.) They seemed to be doing just fine outside, even without the sun on them the entire time. :)
Tonight I had Michael take a picture of me with the chicks. It is totally getting harder! I got pooped on by two of them! :) But we managed to get one! I hope you enjoy this picture...and the mug shots from today! :)
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. I have to hold him! LOL |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 34 - 9/18/2013~
The sun came out today!!! Can you believe it? So I cleaned the wet straw out of the run, added dry straw and set the chicks outside to enjoy the sun! :) I don't know who enjoyed it more, me or them! :) It also gave me a chance to clean out the brooder box. It's crazy how big they've gotten...and I'm happy that they'll only be in there for another week or so! Can't wait for them to get outside! :) Hope you enjoy today's pictures! :)
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 33 - 9/17/2013~
It hit me today that soon I will be saying goodbye to at least three of these chicks. And deep down I'm truly hoping that Brownie and Miracle are pullets. Brownie is just so beautiful, and Miracle...well we have a history! It's so cute, whenever I am taking pictures, Brownie will jump up onto the side of the brooder box and just watch me. So curious. I'm hoping that this is just a curious girl...and not a "what are you doing...boy!" LOL :) Today I took pictures of their backs. Scroll down a bit and see how much they've changed in just a few short weeks! I can't believe that in a few days they will already be 5 weeks old!!! So crazy! Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Brownie seeing what I'm up to! :) |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 32 - 9/16/2013~
The chicks are growing less and less tolerant of me taking pictures of them! LOL Brownie hops up onto the edge of the brooder box every time I take the lid off though! Sure is friendly...please don't be a roo! LOLOL Not much to report on them, Their feathers are filling in more and more...and even Miracle is catching up! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 31 - 9/15/2013~
Today we had some pretty big thunderstorms here, so again, the chicks didn't get to spend any time outside! They are getting to the stage where they are itching to get OUT of the brooder box and into something bigger. And I hate to say this...BUT I wish that it was warmer out! LOL :) Not much to report on the chicks...they are getting bigger, and every time I fill their feeder they act as if they haven't eaten in YEARS! LOL Too funny! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 30 - 9/14/2013~
Today was another chilly day here...well by chilly I mean that it was too cold for the chicks to spend some time outside. I wish it were a few weeks in the future and they could be outside! :) But alas, they spent the day inside chirping loudly every time we walked through the's like they knew they should be outside or something! :) I spent some time with each of them this afternoon, and Brownie seems to be a sweetheart. I've decided that if Brownie is a pullet, and I keep her...I'll name her Lacey. Why Lacey? Because she is a Blue LACED Red Wyandotte, of course! :) And Miracle...if a pullet...will stay Miracle. :) But I can't get my hopes up...I will more than likely hold on to those two even after sending the other three to new homes...and we'll see as they get older what they turn out to be! Well...enjoy today's mug shots! :) By the way...I have to take at LEAST 3 pictures of Penguin...he has ALWAYS been a pain in the butt to take pictures of! LOL
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. Penguin...the DIFFICULT LOL |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 29 - 9/13/2013~
Today we weren't home much, we were out shopping for things for our yard. But I did manage to spend a little bit of time with the chicks. It's crazy to see how big they are, and how it's changed in just four weeks! They are all four weeks old today (well three were yesterday lol). Miracle seems to be getting bigger, which is another good thing! Here's to hoping that some of them turn out to be pullets!!! **fingers crossed!** Today I took two pictures of each of them, a front on head shot and then one of their backs :) Their feathers are coming in nicely, and hopefully in the next week or week and a half they should be completely feathered in! Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 28 - 9/12/2013~
Today was another beautiful day here and the chicks were able to be outside for almost 6 hours! I'm so happy they love being outside, and that I have a safe place for them to be! I posted my pics of the kids on and it seems that most people think that Chicks 2, 3 & 4 are cockerels! I'm hoping that they are wrong, because I know one of my friends would LOVE to get a pullet of her own! :) But we'll see what happens, it'll be another week or two before we really know what they are! Hope you enjoy today's mug shots!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 27 - 9/11/2013~
Today it was in the high 80s here, so the chicks were outside from noon until almost 5 PM! Don't worry, they had plenty of shade and water and they loved being outside!!! :) It was nice to have them out of that brooder box for such an extended period of time, they were able to just be chicks!! :) Today's mug shots are of their left sides. Again, I can't believe how pretty Brownie is...and you can see their full bodies in these pictures, it's crazy how Penguin (Chick 3) still has no tail!!! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 26 - 9/10/2013~
Another day of eating, drinking and growing! The chicks again spent a few hours outside in the run, and again they were hilarious to watch! I could honestly sit and watch them all day! :) Actually, Cooper usually sits next to me while I'm out there watching them. :) Today's pictures are of their right sides. Brownie is getting so pretty! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 25 - 9/9/2013~
Today the chicks spent a few more hours outside in the run enjoying the sunshine, fresh air and bugs! It was funny watching them chase flies that were buzzing around their heads! And they've all taken to sparring with each other! Kinda funny to watch them all. I remember when my girls were chicks and they engaged in the same antics! :) Today's mug shots are of their right wings. I just want you to see how filled in their wings are!! CRAZY! Enjoy!!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
I added two new roosts to their brooder box. :) Fun for them! |
~Day 24 - 9/8/2013~
Today was a big day for the chicks! They spent several hours outside in the locked off section of the run! :) They seemed to really enjoy being outside, scratching in the straw and chasing little bugs! It's so cute to see how they are growing up. I know it's only a matter of time before I need to part with three of them. :-/ But that is how it goes! :) Anyways, here are today's mug shots...Enjoy!
I added fresh straw to the chicks' side of the run. Wendy and Chynna weren't to impressed! LOL |
Right at home! |
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 23 - 9/7/2013~
Today was a bit quieter of a day for me around the house, thankfully! So this afternoon I was able to let the chicks outside for a bit to play in the grass and dirt. :) It was so fun to watch them scratch around and chase each other when one of them had something in their beak! Wendy and Chynna were a bit on guard because these chicks were out in THEIR yard! In the coming weeks when it's warm and sunny out I need to put the chicks out in the new part of the run so the girls get used to them. Hopefully that goes well! So my friend looked at the pictures of the chicks and his predictions are Chick 1, 2 & 6 are pullets...and 3 & 4 are cockerels. If he is correct...that means Brownie and Miracle are females and they will be staying with me!!! But...just as the saying...don't count your chicks before they hatch, the one I live by is...don't count your pullets until they lay an egg! :) That being said...enjoy today's pictures! I took them outside, and I even had Michael take a pic of me with them all on my arm! :) Enjoy!
Chick 1. |
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. (Still has no tail!) |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
Chick 6. |
Wendy and Chynna NOT happy that Brownie is by their run! |
Me and my brood! :) |
~Day 22 - 9/6/2013~
Today was another day of canning...and another day that I didn't get to spend much time with the chicks. I'm hoping once this weekend is over I'll be able to get back to spending more time with them! I actually need to make a point to do this, so when they go to their "forever homes" they will be good chicks! :) Today's pictures are of their heads up close, that way a friend of mine can see their combs and make his "guesses" as to what they are with respect to male/female. :) So here we go! :) Enjoy!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
The Fabulous Five @ 3 weeks old! |
~Day 21 - 9/5/2013~
Today was another day of canning, but while my sauce was simmering on the stove I made some changes to the brooder box. I had to move the waterer, since it was leaking for some reason, to the side of the brooder box. And I hobbled together a catch basin of sorts so the bedding won't get when anymore. :) I also added a roost for them to start practicing on. I was going to put ChickTV on the air today, but we had thunderstorms most of the day so I didn't want to chance it having my computer plugged in and there being some sort of power surge! :) The chicks are getting big! Lifting them up I can really feel the difference! I wish I would have weighed them on a daily time maybe LOL. Other than that...not much else to report. Tomorrow they are 3 weeks old! (Brownie and two other chicks are three weeks today) Today's mug shots are of their backs. They are getting SO many feathers!!!! **sigh** my babies are growing up! Enjoy!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 20 - 9/4/2013~
I feel like I've been a BAD mother hen lately! I've been busy canning this week, so my attention has not been on the babies out in the garage! I guess it's good that they are all doing quite well and can tolerate the temperature differences and all that. I did notice tonight that they are totally getting into the teenager stage! Miracle still seems to be a bit behind...not sure what's going on there...but she IS growing! :) Hope you enjoy today's pictures!!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 19 - 9/3/2013~
Today was a busy day here at BP Farms Bed & Breakfast, but it wasn't much of a day with the chickies. I spent most of the day picking, washing, boiling, slicing and canning beets...FUN! **sigh** Tonight I noticed that the chicks had managed to mess with the waterer enough to get most of their bedding wet, so I had to change that tonight before taking their pictures. Tonight as I picked each of them up I couldn't believe that change in their weight! Brownie is by far the heftiest of the chicks! And I truly do hope that Brownie and Miracle are pullets! **fingers crossed** But other than that...not to much to report on them! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2, her middle toe is no longer white! :( lol |
Chick 3. Look how thick his legs are!! |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 18 - 9/2/2013~
Today was a big day for the chicks! Today was their first time going outside!! When Michael and I took them out into the lawn, they had NO idea what was going on. LOL! They weren't sure what to do with the grass, but after they each pooped, several times, they decided it was for scratching, eating and running around! It was so cute to watch them! It was also to watch how vexed Wendy and Chynna were!! They were making all sorts of noises and pacing back and forth in their cage! A little part of me thinks Chynna would make an EXCELLENT mother hen!!! :) Maybe one day she'll get the opportunity! :) But here are today's pictures! I wanted you to be able to see the feathers they've gotten on their back so far! Enjoy!!
What is this green stuff!?!? |
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 17 - 9/1/2013~
Today we went to town and bought more chick starter feed, these little ones are eating me out of house and home! I can't believe how much they are eating and drinking every day!!! I also bought some grit for them. Tomorrow I need to fix the watering bucket (hang it from the ceiling) and then do some rearranging in their brooder box to fit the feeder and the container with the grit. I also need to think about giving them some sort of roost to start practicing on! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!!! So darn crazy!! Today I decided to take two pictures of each of them, one is a close up of their heads, I'm hoping that soon I'll be able to tell for sure who is a boy and who is a girl. I really have my fingers crossed for Brownie and Miracle...if there is a chicken god...he/she will be on my side!!! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 16 - 8/31/2013~
Today was another busy day around here. But tonight I spent some time with the chicks, I cleaned out the brooder box, changed the feed/added more and then looked them all over. It still amazes me how much they change from day to day!!! Today I noticed the wattles coming in on Penguin more so than on any of the others! Crazy! Miracle seems to be a fair bit smaller then the rest, but she seems to be doing quite well! :) It's been nice because the weather has been warmer out, and they haven't been utilizing the heat lamp as much, so I haven't had to make sure the temperature is **spot on.** The first week of their little lives seems to be the most crucial time for them. :) I hope you enjoy today's pictures!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
Everyone wanted a drink at once! :) |
~Day 15 - 8/30/2013~
Well today I feel like a bad mother hen! I haven't really spent much time with the chicks! But they did spend a lot of time on camera though! I noticed that they keep bumping the camera and moving it to face the feeder! HA! :) They are just getting more and more feathers every day! Today is Miracle's two week birthday! Again I feel like a bad mother hen! LOL! The only two chicks who's birthdays I know for a fact are Brownie and Miracle! LOL But hey...I know that they were all born on either Thursday or Friday! :) Well, here are today's mug shots! Enjoy!!! :)
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 14 - 8/29/2013~
Another day older! 3 of the chicks turned 2 weeks old today, Brownie being one of them! :) Tomorrow is Miracles 2 week mark! :) I can't believe how time is just flying! I love watching them change on a daily basis. Today I had to raise up the feeder and the waterer because of how tall they are getting! :) ChickTV was on for quite a bit of time tonight as well, and people seem to enjoy it!! :) Here are today's pictures! Enjoy!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 13 - 8/28/2013~
Well another day down, and another day of watching the chicks become more and more active and funny! I had the webcam on them for quite some time today, and got a comment that a reader tuned in and saw them all lying on their backs sleeping! HA HA! :) Gotta love it! More and more feathers are growing, and Penguin really has no tail yet while all the others do! So I'm hoping that now he is the only rooster! **fingers crossed** Other than that, not much to report! Tomorrow 3 of the chicks will be 2 weeks old, and Friday, Miracle will be two weeks old! They've grown so much in such a short period of time! No longer my cute little fluff balls! They'll be awkward teenagers pretty soon! Enjoy today's mug shots!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 12 - 8/27/2013~
Today I spent some time with the chicks in the morning before heading over to my sister's house. I had ChickTV on for most of the day, and I couldn't help but laugh because these are the images I saw most of the time...
HA! How are you suppose to see the chicks when one of them is always in the camera's lens!?! I also love how they've started to play! One will grab a piece of the wood chips and take off running, and the other four will chase it around the brooder box! So all I would see on the webcam was five chicks running across the frame over and over! :) So much fun!
Today's pictures are looking down at their backs from above. :) Enjoy!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
After taking their individual pictures I decided to get a group photo of them. herd cats! :) HA HA HA! Enjoy!!
The crazy 5! :) |
~Day 11 - 8/26/2013~
Today was a sad day here at BP Farms Bed & Breakfast. I made the decision that Band-Aid wasn't getting better, in fact he was getting worse. So I had to make the tough decision to put him down. Michael told me that he'd help me if I wanted, but I knew that I needed to do it myself. So this morning, at about 10:45 AM...Band-Aid left this world. He's buried in the rock wall that overlooks our garden, next to our budgies who passed away. It wasn't a fun morning here. I was there when he broke free of his shell...and I was there when he took his last breath. Being the parent of any kind of pet isn't for the faint of heart...because at some point you have to put the animals well being ahead of your own...and it was hard to face reality...but Band-Aid wasn't getting any better. After his passing I looked over his body, and his right knee was very swollen and the muscles in his right side weren't forming right like the rest of his body. As tough as it was...I know he is in a better place. RIP little Band-Aid...

The other chicks seem to be doing quite well. They are growing and changing by the minute! Today's pictures are of their right wings! Look back a few days and look at the pictures of their wings, and how much they've changed. Thanks for all the support that I've gotten on my Facebook page with Band-Aid. Here are today's pictures...Enjoy.
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 10 - 8/25/2013~
Today I returned home after a few days at camp...and let me tell you I couldn't wait to see how much the chicks had changed in the few days! Everyone has gotten bigger...well everyone except Band-Aid. It seems that his leg has gotten worse, and that it is something that isn't going to get any better. His body is twisting, and it looks if his right side isn't developing at the same rate as his left side. And the biggest thing is that he isn't growing like the others. It's never a fun decision to have to make, but I know that any longer and it will only get worse...and he won't be able to support his weight. I hate to have to say this, but today's picture will be the last one of Band-Aid. :( Tonight while taking his picture it was hard for him to even stand. Tomorrow will be a sad day at BP Farms Bed & Breakfast. Here are today's pictures.
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Mister Band-Aid....... |
Chick 6. |
~Day 9- 8/24/2013~
Here are today's pictures. (Taken by Michael) Enjoy!
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 5. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 8 - 8/23/2013~
Here are today's pictures. (Taken by Michael) I didn't get to spend any time with the chicks this morning other than checking on them before I left for camp. Enjoy the pictures.
Chick 1. |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 5. |
Chick 6. |
~Day 7 - 8/22/2013~
Well today is a sad day...sad in that it will be the last night I see the chicks until Sunday night! :( I will be leaving for camp in the morning and won't be home until probably late Sunday evening. But I've twisted Michael's arm and he's going to take their mug shots tomorrow night and Saturday night! So I will share those with you on Sunday along with their Sunday mug shots!
In other good news, we took Band-Aid's hobbles off his legs, and he's out of the infirmary. His right leg seems a little bit weak...and we are wondering if he will always be a little bit underdeveloped on his right side. But with that being said he is out of the infirmary and in Gen-Pop! I'm going to check on him several times before bed to make sure there isn't any bullying and that he in integrating just fine.
Band-Aid is the one who's left side you can see, with all the yellow, right under the chicken nipple! |
Other than that, everyone seems to be doing well, and GROWING!! My neighbor Geri will be checking in on them a few times over the next couple of days while Michael is at work, and she SWEARS they've changed so much just in three days! And it's TRUE!!! :)
Before I forget, Friday, Saturday and Sunday there will NOT be any ChickTV. I'm sorry. :( But regular broadcasts will commence on Monday! :) So without further are today's mug shots! Enjoy!!
Chick 1. :) |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. Penguin. |
Chick 4. |
Chick 5. Band-Aid...with no leg hobbles!!! |
Chick 6. me the "look." :) |
~Day 6 - 8/21/2013~
Another day down, and another day of eating, sleeping and growing! :) It's crazy to see how much these little ones have changed in just a week's time! Chick #1 is almost a week old! I can't believe it!!! :) It's so darn crazy to think that last week at this time I saw that it had pipped! :) Time sure does fly!
Last week at this time this area of my study was an incubating it's full of things to put away... :-/ |
Today I also managed to wrangle all 6 of the chicks for a picture! I should have done it when they were a few days younger that way I could hold them all tighter! But Michael was kind enough to help stack them in my hands and take the picture! :)
Other than the normal day to day things that chicks do, there isn't much to report. I'm starting to worry a little bit about Band-Aid. His little right wing seems to be a bit off, maybe it's just that the fluff never really came in, or who knows. But it just doesn't seem right. Tomorrow night I'm going to take the hobbles off and see how the walking is going. I'm hoping that things will be better. Good thoughts from all of you! Well here are today's mug shots! They posed so you could see their left sides today! :) Enjoy!!
Chick 1. Look at those wings! |
Chick 2. Such a cutie! |
Chick 3. Man everything about this stance screams ROOSTER to me! |
Chick 4. :) |
Chick 5. Band-Aid. Send good thoughts for this one! |
Chick 6. My little Miracle! Feisty as EVER! :) |
~Day 5 - 8/20/2013~
Today I didn't get to spend that much time with the chicks since I had errands to run into town. But tonight I managed to fix up Band-Aid's hobble a little bit better. I also had to fill the feeder (they are eating so well!) and I had to move the waterer up as well since they are already getting taller!! It's so crazy to think that it's almost been 1 week since they hatched!!! Miracle is just as spunky as the rest of her siblings, so that is a good thing! :) Today I had them strike a pose so you could see their right sides. :) Enjoy!
Chick 1 |
Chick 2. |
Chick 3. LOL Love this pose! HA! |
Chick 4. |
Chick 5. Awww Look at his little hobbles! Poor little one! Hopefully just a few more days. And I know his wing looks gimpy, but the down on there never really fluffed up, I promise it IS the same size as the other wing LOL. |
Chick 6. Hello Miracle! :) |
~Day 4 - 8/19/2013~
Another day...some more growing! A couple of people mentioned while watching ChickTV today that they are getting taller! And they sure are! It's so great to see how active they all are. Miracle has fit in nicely in the general population, but I still find her every now and again sleeping on the blocks right next to Band-Aid who is still in the infirmary. Guess these two bonded while they were in there together. So cute! It's crazy to see the changes they've made in just four days! (3 for some of them) But I'm going to venture a guess...I'm going to guess that I have four pullets(females) and two cockerels(males). That is just a guess. I'm looking at the rate that their wing feathers are coming in, and two of them are a little bit behind. With each picture I post tonight I will venture my guess with them. LOL We'll see how true this really comes out! Today's pictures are of their right wing being stretched out! :) Enjoy!!
Chick 1, Pullet. |
Chick 2, Pullet. |
Chick 3, I call this one Penguin because of its coloring and black feet and beak! Cockerel. |
Chick 4, Pullet. |
Chick 5, Band-Aid, Cockerel. |
Chick 6, Miracle, Pullet. I know they look short but she was moving weird so my thumb was pushing her fluff out more! LOL |
~Day 3 - 8/18/2013~
Well today was another day full of progress! Miracle joined Gen-Pop about mid-day and has been super active and keeping up with her siblings! And well...Band-Aid...she's upgraded to the tape they use in hospitals that doesn't stick to anything but itself! All the other chicks seem to be doing very well! Everyone is eating, drinking and pooping like normal! It's so funny to watch when Band-Aid starts to eat or drink from her dish/waterer...the others go crazy acting like they are missing out! As if they don't have their own!! HA! :) I'm so happy to see them progressing so well, especially Miracle. When I took the Band-Aid off Band-Aid's legs, she still had it sticking out a bit, so it will be a few more days. Here's to hoping! Well here are today's pictures! Some of them already have their wing feathers starting to show! (And I'm not too worried about the three behind because they were the later ones to hatch!) Enjoy!
Chick 1, look at those wing feathers! |
Chick 2, wing feathers coming in as well (You talkin' 'bout me?) |
Chick 3, Still fluffy wings! :) |
Chick 4, the wing feathers are there...she just didn't want to look at the camera! |
Chick 5, Look who has fancy pink leg tape! LOL :) |
Chick 6, the newest member of General Population! :) |
~Day 2 - 8/17/2013~
Today was a good day here! I watched as "Miracle" grew stronger and stronger...even drinking out of the waterer! And gimpy...who Michael has taken to calling "Band-aid" since that is what we are using to try and help correct her splayed leg...well...gimpy isn't happy. We changed the tape tonight I didn't feel like we got it right last night, so we removed it and then fixed it up nice and new (not too tight though!)
The rest of the chickies have been enjoying their time in Gen-Pop (general population), and always seem to rush over when the two that are locked up are drinking from their waterer like they are missing out on something! Too funny to watch.
I LOVE the way they sleep! HA HA Chick crime scene! LOL
They can't wait to join Gen-Pop! LOL |
All the chicks, even Miracle and Band-Aid have been eating and drinking and pooping like normal. So I'm taking all this as a good sign...but I'm still taking it one day at a time with Miracle. For a bit today I started up "Chick TV," I left the webcam going while I ran out to do errands. It's great that I can do that and let everyone see how they are doing! :) Fun to watch them! Well not many changes in them today, they are just fluffier balls of fun! :) Here are today's pictures! (I'm going to try and keep them all in the same order every day! Let's see if their leg and beak colors stay the same! LOL) Enjoy!!!
Just rough and tumble! :) Chick 1, My little Odd Ball! |
Chick 2, Black Beak, dark legs and feet, with light middle toes! |
Chick 3, Black beak and dark legs and feet. |
Chick 4, White beak, dark legs and light feet. |
Chick 5, Band-Aid...look at that pose! LOL |
Chick 6, Miracle. Look at her stand!!! :) So happy! |
~Day 1 - 8/16/2013~
This is Day 1 of raising the chicks! I know some hatched yesterday, but we are going to pretend that today is the real day! :) Work with me. Today was tough...helping Chick 6 out of the egg...and now watching as it's gaining strength. It has joined it's siblings in the brooder box, but is cornered off in a section with it's sibling that has it's legs tape to help correct 'splayed leg.' What fun! :) But I took pictures of the chicks today!! :) Enjoy! (And yes that is a drill on the table behind them...I took the pictures on my work bench in the garage LOL)
This is Chick #1 (I know because it's brown LOL) It's actually a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte! :) |
Chick #2 (now being labeled not by hatch order lol) Has black on it's beak, dark legs with it's middle toes lighter colored. |
Chick #3, this one has black beak, and all dark legs and toes. |
Chick #4, All white beak, dark legs with light feet :) |
Chick #5, this is the one with the splayed leg. You can't see the tape holding it's legs together... |
Chick #6, the last to hatch. This is my little miracle chick. It's honestly a miracle it's still here! |
~Day 1 - 8/16/2013~
Well today was suppose to be HATCH DAY!!! But the chickies decided that they were ready YESTERDAY! Well most of them. This morning I woke up with a pit in my stomach. I had to force myself to sleep last night. I woke up several times but wouldn't allow myself to come downstairs...because I knew there was nothing I could do and it was really eating away at me that Egg #6 was struggling. I had no idea what to expect when I came downstairs. At 6:10 AM today Egg #2 became Chick #4! And an hour later at 7:10 AM, Egg #3 became Chick #5!!! Shortly after chick 5 hatched I removed the oldest three and put them in the brooder box. At this point it was time for me to intervene. I HAD to help Chick #6! With the help of Troy from Red Star Urban Farms (you can find him on my page) I slowly peeled off the egg shell exposing the outer membrane. I put the chick back in the incubator to see if it had the strength to finish. Sadly it didn't. So I took it out again...and with Q-tips soaked in warm water, I slowly started to moisten the membrane and push it back...literally peeling it off the chick. The little one had yet to really move, and when I finally removed it all, it started to peep and stretch so I put it back in the incubator. That was at 8:35 AM. It's now 4:40 PM...and the chick is still alive, but resting. It was a ROUGH 24 hours for I'm just letting it take it's time. It has been active in spurts...sitting up...chirping then resting again. I hope that it gains it's strength and can join it's siblings in the brooder.
On another note...Chick #1 is NOT a Lavender Orpington! LOL It is brown and black! LOL So it will be interesting to see what it turns out to be! :) Today for a while I had the webcam running so people could watch "Chick TV" :) Seemed to be a success. I will post on the RHOSC Facebook page when I'm going to run it! :)
It's been a STRESSFUL day...and just send good thoughts and good energy to the little chick who is still trying to gain strength. Here are some pictures...
Chick #6 after removing the membrane... |
Here it is this afternoon...resting. |
Meanwhile the other fluffy butts are enjoying the brooder box! |
Here is the odd ball! The Lavender Orpington is on the left! LOL |
~Day 2 - 8/15/2013~
What a crazy day! Egg #5 became Chick #1!!! It hatched out of it's shell at 7:30 AM! I was lucky enough to catch it with my video camera! I can't wait to get the video loaded! Egg #1 became Chick #2 at around 2:40 PM! I again captured this on camera!! Egg #7 became Chick #3 at 7:00 PM! It had been a long day of stressing, watching, worrying, pacing, and sitting! My study turned into a makeshift studio and I had the webcam pointed right at the incubator so people could watch! :) At around 11 PM I turned off the cam. I headed to bed quite disheartened. Eggs 2, 3 & 6 hadn't hatched yet. Eggs 2 and 3 had pipped and had pretty good sized holes but there was no action. Egg 6 had me worried ALL day! It looked as if the outer membrane had become tough and leathery and the chick couldn't get out. I felt like a real jerk going to bed. But I knew that at that point, there was nothing I could do. I shut off the lights and headed to bed......
Welcome to the world Chick #1!! |
Chick #1 resting...waiting for it's siblings! |
This is what Egg #6 looked like mid-day... :( |
The brooder box is ALL READY!! :) |
This is what Egg #6 looked like before I went to bed. :( |
~Day 3 - 8/14/2013~
Tonight I came in to look at the eggs...and I noticed something...
Egg #5 has pipped!!! And every few minutes I can hear a "peep peep" coming from the egg! I'm so stinking excited that it isn't even funny! I knew that a few of these eggs were a day or two ahead of the others!! I'm clearly NOT going to be getting any sleep the next few days! LOL I have the webcam set up...and ready to roll! As soon as I see that action is really starting, I'll make sure to get it running and link for everyone to see! Until then....Henny Penny is going CRAZY!!!!!
~Day 4 - 8/13/2013~
Well today is officially "LOCKDOWN" day here at BP Farms Bed & Breakfast! This is referring to the incubator. After today's candling the incubator will not be opened again until after the chicks have hatched! (That of course is if they hatch...still not counting my chicks before they hatch.) On the last candling, all the eggs showed signs of movement inside the shell. Just because there is movement, doesn't mean that they will hatch. But here's to hoping! I'll be watching like a hawk starting on Thursday!!! :) And I will be posting a link to a live cam that will be pointed towards the incubator!!! :) Crazy, I know! :) But what can I say...if Henny Penny had the technology...she would have done it too! It's about to get crazy around here!!
Eggs in lockdown! :) |
~Day 9 - 8/8/2013~
It's been quite a few days since I updated, but there haven't been too many changes. The biggest is that Egg #4, after 7 days in the incubator showed no signs of life. We cracked it open, and by we I mean Michael, and found that it wasn't even fertilized. But the other 6 eggs, knock on wood, all seem to be developing! Yesterday I candled the eggs to check on development, and I was able to get a decent video of Egg #2! It's hard to take pictures of them because the camera can't focus in the low light, but every now and again I get a decent video!
~Day 15 - 8/2/2013~
Today was such an exciting day!!! I candled the eggs this morning(with Michael standing behind me so he could see too!!) and I was delighted to see out of the 7 eggs, 5 of them had a heart beat!!! One of the 2 that didn't was egg #2...which is one I saw a heart beat the other day in! So about 1/2 hour ago I candled the egg again and I saw the heart beat! So hopefully that means that 6 of the 7 eggs are still developing! Now...rule #1 is do NOT count your chicks before they hatch! But I'm excited to see progress!! :) I took a video this morning of one of the eggs. Can you see the heart beating and moving???
~Day 18 - 7/30/2013~
Today was another day of development. I managed to get a good picture of one of the eggs while being candled! If you look just under the "L" in LO, you can see a red spot with the blood vessels shooting off of it! It's so exciting to see the changes. The next candling will be in a few days, and I can't wait to see the changes! Hope you keep checking back!!
Egg 2 |
~Day 19 - 7/29/2013~
Today was such a good day! I was really nervous most of the day because I wanted to weigh and candle the eggs tonight. And much to my delight, I've noticed changes in EACH and EVERY egg! Now...don't get me wrong...I'm not counting my eggs before they it's encouraging to see changes! I made sure to get the eggs out at the same time...then candled/weighed and back into the incubator in less than 5 minutes. **happy times** I won't bore you with the pictures of each because some are blurry! It's hard to take a picture that isn't blurry of a glowing orb! LOL. But I did will post the picture of Egg 7...and if you look in the dark mass can see the start of a blood spot with veins coming out of it! SO EXCITING!!!! :)
Okay...maybe you can't see it too well...but just to the right of center in the darker spot you can see the person you can see the blood vessels coming off it. :) I promise! |
~Day 21 - 7/27/2013~
This morning at 12:45 AM, I set my 12 Lavender Orpington hatching eggs. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I'm also a bit of a nervous Nellie! Michael has taken to calling me "Henny Penny" and is even telling people that "Brian has gone broody." :) HA! And I kind of agree with both of these. While I was home today I checked on the incubator more times than I'd care to admit. And I'm happy to say that the incubator is still there...and still has 7 eggs in it! :) I took a picture this morning...other than this there isn't much to report. I did candle the eggs before putting them into the incubator last are those pictures!
Egg 1 |
Egg 2 |
Egg 3 |
Egg 4 |
Egg 5 |
Egg 6 |
Egg 7 |
 |'s still there...and the eggs are still in it! :) |
~Day 22 - 7/26/2013~
Today I went down to Tacoma to visit a friend, and avid reader of my blog, and check out their chicken coop! I spent an hour or so with them and then made my way to The Bradley Farm to pick up my hatching eggs. Upon arriving back at home, I have the eggs in the carton, resting, so the air sacs can settle. I have the incubator set up, and running so it's ready to go when I put the eggs in tomorrow morning. I'm super excited to get the eggs in and see if this turns out!! I also built a home made egg candling box. It seems to work quite well, but isn't the best thing to look at! :) Here we go! Another adventure!
I have 8 eggs...I will be choosing 7 to go into the incubator...tough decision!!! |
Here it is...I made it out of scrap wood that I had...and am using tinfoil to reflect/concentrate the light :) |
It ain't pretty but it does the job! LOL |
The incubator is set up in my office where it won't be disturbed, but I can check it daily! All ready to go!
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