As I sit here on the couch tonight I can barely keep my eyes open. All around us they have Pro Bowl festivities going on, and true to form, we are two old ladies who are ready for bed! But that might have something to do with our day today.
This morning we did our usual lounging around after breakfast and coffee...but we decided to do something a little more strenuous. We decided to go on a hike. I don't know if you remember the hike we went on last year with my friend Thaddeus...the 8 hour hike up to the top of Ka'au Crater. The hike that I feared for my life because of the slick Well this year my friend isn't in town so I had to lead us on a hike. So I chose the Kuliouou Ridge hike.
I did this hike one time when I lived here, but my memory of the trail wasn't that strong. Looking back, I think that was a good thing because had I remembered the hike we probably wouldn't have done it! The hike itself is a 5 mile round trip hike but has an elevation gain of about 2,000 feet. We didn't track what time we left, but I think it took us about 4 hours to get up and down the trail. The hardest part of the entire thing was the final leg of the journey. There are 212 steps that you have to climb. My quads were on FIRE! I almost passed out at one point as well.
That being said, it was actually a wonderful hike. Most of the hike is through the forests, so it's shaded...a big plus. And as tired as you are when you get to the top...the view is phenomenal. From the top of the ridge you can see the windward side of the island from Kaneohe all the way down to Waimanalo and onto Makapu'u, Hanauma Bay and into Hawaii Kai. Such a spectacular hike! I was a little apprehensive to let Michael take a picture of me at the top because...well I have a little bit of a sweating issue LOL. But I did let him take a picture...and it's always nice to have proof that you made it to the top.
I loved how the roots made up a large part of the trail. |
The different trees are just gorgeous. |
Almost to the top. This is looking into Kuliouou Valley. |
In the distance is the back side of Diamond Head. :) |
Looking down towards Hawaii Kai and Koko Head. |
This is the start of the 212 stairs! Oy! |
I made it! Such a beautiful day for the hike! |
This view is why you do the hike! |
The view from the top is truly breath taking. But I wasn't looking forward to making my way down the ridge. The entire time my legs were like jello! But we managed to make it down in a reasonable amount of time and we headed to Zippy's to get some lunch!
After lunch we made our way to The Snow Factory. We stopped there last year because Claudia told us we HAD to try it! So interesting! It isn't shave ice, it's literally ribbons of ice that is flavored. Today I ordered the coconut and chocolate one. It is so crazy! The chocolate stuff looks like turkey! No joke!
This is ice! |
After some grocery shopping we made our way back to the Village and I showered and piled onto the couch. Not going to lie...I'm sore! Today's hike was such a workout...but I'm hoping that this one hike negated all the calories I've eaten since I got here. HAHA. Okay I couldn't even type that without laughing! But's a good thought!
I wish I had a sunset picture to share with you tonight...but sadly a storm is blowing in so the sky was cloudy. Today has been a wonderful day, we got to get out and enjoy the island. I love being able to share my memories of Oahu with Michael in this way. It's always nice to show someone the things that make you smile.
I suppose that I should get into bed...tomorrow's another long day. We are going to see Grandma Lee tomorrow! I'm not sure if you remember who Grandma Lee is...she is Claudia's mom. It's so nice that when I come home I know that I have family to visit. :)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Until next time...Keep Cooking!
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